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🚀 [Resources] New CG Boost Tutorial, Insane CG Trailer & Free Reality Capture

Hey Reader, Zach here, with more exciting news from the 3D world. First, we have my new Blender tutorial, where I'll show you how useful an often overlooked feature can be. Second, we have an insane Breaking Bad fan animation, and finally Reality Capture is now free for most artists (more on that below). Vertex Groups Tricks in Blender You (probably) Didn’t Know About Vertex Groups (and Weight Painting) is a powerful and versatile function in Blender that can help to dynamically control your...

4 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, with some news and resources from the 3D world. How to make a short film in Blender Have you put off making your own animated short? Wondering how’s it possible to manage so many complex tasks without a big team and a few years time? Our friend Pierrick managed to make an amazing animated short in Blender in just 2 months, and decided to share his experience and process. In his latest YouTube video, he gives some priceless tips on how not to get overwhelmed by a big...

11 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, with some exciting news. We’ve just added the brand new Owl Bot chapter to our Robotic Planet course for Blender. To celebrate, we're also running a 3-day, 15% flash sale (more info below). Louis (the course author) had a blast creating this new robot, and we're happy to share it with you, so you can learn even more workflows to create your own fun robots in Blender. The sale will only last 3 days, until April 29th (16:00 CEST). To get the 15% discount, enter the...

18 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, Have you ever struggled with getting your 3D character’s walking animation to look right? I know how hard it is without proper guidance. It’s easy to get lost in all those tiny details that matter and not be able to see what’s making it all go wrong. I’ve got something for you that can help you understand the walk cycle animation inside out. My friend Brian Kouhi (a professional animator and founder of ToAnimate) shared a full 1-hour-long lesson on making a walk cycle...

25 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, If you are struggling to find the motivation to learn 3D, or if you have abandoned projects and courses half way, you are most definitely not alone. In fact, I believe it is the most common struggle all artists go through. This also happened to Tetiana Markov, one of our passionate CG Boost students and challenge participants. We were very excited to interview her, to share her story of how she overcame all kinds of self-doubt and got her work featured on Blender Nation...

about 1 month ago • 7 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, For the past 6 years, our tutor Martin Klekner has been hard at work, exploring all the possible ways to create epic 3D environments in Blender. As a personal challenge, he tried it without the use of any paid add-ons, the results of all his research he accumulated in his Master 3D Environments in Blender course. 3D scenes you learn to create in the environment course. As Martin’s challenge and his course prove - making awesome, grand scale landscapes in Blender is...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, You might know the fear of a blank 3D scene. Finding yourself just staring at the Default Cube in Blender and not knowing how to get to an amazing cinematic animation that you imagined. You’re not alone. Our instructor Cov Phillips has just released a very scary (it's a horror animation) video about dealing with such obstacles on his YouTube channel. In this video, he shares his creative process and vital tips on structuring and finishing a large project, by breaking it...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, Do you like gifts? I know I do, and Blender developers seem to know that. Another fresh release of Blender 4.1 has just come out with some cool new features and updates. Some changes were made in the shortcuts that can make our work in Blender faster and more efficient. However, it can be hard to keep up with all those changes and remember all the shortcuts. But don't worry! Our thorough Blender Hotkey Sheet PDF is here to help you out. We just updated it, to reflect...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, Tomorrow, our friend SouthernShotty is premiering his new short film named "Watermelon Girl", created in Blender. I had the chance to watch the short-film upfront and can say it's quite delightful. I especially enjoyed the unique art style making everything look and feel as if it was handcrafted out of materials like wood, cardboard, strings etc. Fun fact(s): All the 200+ visuals of the short are created by only one person, on one computer, crafted in Blender. It took...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Zach here, I’m excited to welcome you to our new Urban Monster 3D Sculpting challenge. Starting today, Thursday 20th of March, you have five weeks to sculpt a monster from the concrete jungle and submit video cinematic shots showcasing the full creature and a few closeups. Watch the announcement video below, for all the details. You can go wild with your sculpture ideas: Cute hardworking monsters taking care of the city Quirky inhabitants Giant skyscraper high behemoths Creepy...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read
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