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🌇 [Interview] Insights on creating 3D Urban Environments

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

Zach here,

today I have a little interview for you, where our new course author, Cov Phillips, shares a bit about his workflow and creation process behind our newest course, Master Urban Environments in Blender.

Before jumping into the insights below, check out Cov's stunning 3D portfolio here.

Let's get to the interview.

What made you choose to create an Urban Environments course?

When I first discovered Blender, my main goal was to create a city, but creating an urban environment was always the most challenging project for me.

After many very wonky attempts and a few "Roblox" looking towns later, I finally managed to trial and error my way to having the ability to create fantastic urban scenes.

I developed this course for people that were in my position, to give them a jumpstart into creating their own unique and epic cities.

What are your top lessons learned, on creating Urban Environments?

The two most important lessons I’ve learned while creating urban environments are in the blockout and detail passes.

The blockout stage is easy to overlook, but it is the very foundation of your city. It’s super important to develop one that includes real world scale and interesting composition, so this process is given extra care and attention in the course.

With details, I was often frustrated with things not looking realistic enough and taking too long to add.

Eventually I developed a layering system, and learned to design cities intricate parts more functionally. This way, you don’t judge the city’s realism until all of your detail layers are implemented, and that the details are placed in a manner that looks as though it serves a utility.

What is your method of teaching students to create their own city environments?

I’m the type of learner that needs to see an entire workflow, and the philosophy behind it.

I need to know why something was done, not just how. This way, you can take your new knowledge and apply it to infinite future projects, not just the ability to replicate what your teacher made.

I aim to share why things are done in my course, and even show errors I make and how to fix them. Additionally, the workflow for creating the entire city is shown, from start to finish, so that students can truly grasp everything that goes into a project of this scale.

I hope you got some useful insights which you can apply to your own 3D environments.

If you want to learn Cov's entire Blender workflow on creating urban environments step by step, you can join his new course today.

By enrolling, you will have direct access to our student community and comments section, where Cov and our support team is actively answering any questions you may have.

Additionally, you get access to all project files to help ensure your success when taking the course.

Jumping into any of our courses is risk-free, with our 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you feel the course is not for you, just email us and we take care of it.

Stay creative,


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