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đź—ż [Free Course] Blender Sculpting for Beginners

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

Zach here,

Today, I'm super happy to share my new Blender Sculpting course for beginners with you.

The best thing, it is a FREE course!

My goal was to create a hassle-free experience, where you learn the most important sculpting basics, while working on a fun project.

​Join the free Blender Sculpting course here​

In the course, we will create a sculpture inspired by the "Moai" statues of the "Easter Island" and put it into an animated scene. This statue isn’t too complex, but still provides plenty of room for creativity.

Below, you can check out the final animated course result.

During the course you learn how to use a graphics tablet for navigation and sculpting, how to use important sculpting brushes and tools, while learning the full workflow of creating a sculpture from scratch.

But, this course is not purely about sculpting, in the second half you will learn how to present the sculpture nicely.

We will dive into coloring the sculpture using Vertex Colors (no UV maps nor textures needed), creating a simple environment, animating and lighting the scene, and rendering out a final video clip, which you can proudly share with the world.

In the end, you will have the important knowledge at hand, to easily continue your sculpting journey.

Check out the overview video below to learn everything about the course.

You might wonder, how is this course different from my paid Master 3D Sculpting in Blender course?

Imagine this to be the little sibling of the comprehensive paid course.

In the free course, you can get your hands dirty quickly and learn if sculpting in Blender is something for you.

When you know you want to dedicate more time and energy into getting sufficient with sculpting, then my Master 3D Sculpting in Blender course is the way to go.

In the free course you get around 3:45 hrs of content, while in my paid course, you get over 21.5 hrs of content.

In the end, there is nothing wrong with only taking the free course, or taking both one after the other.

But, no matter if a free or paid course, we put the same amount of effort into both, providing a high-quality learning experience.

The course was fully beta tested by some of our community members, which helped us to refine it and fix some issues, so it is an even smoother journey for you.

Below you can check some results and reviews of our beta testers.


This course is incredible. For a beginner like me, it's a great experience.

Zach introduces us to a multitude of tools that make it easy to progress. The videos are around ten minutes long, so you can progress at your own pace without ever getting bored.

I recommend this course to all beginners... Thanks, Zach, your work is amazing!

CĂ©dric Corlay


As a complete and utter newbie to sculpting, this was an amazing way to dip my toes into the digital sculpting pond.

The videos get you started really quickly into the meat and bones of it all. You are shown the tools that you really need and there is no fluff in the teaching videos at all, which is great for people short on time and really want to see results fast. This is a tool set I'll definitely be adding to my Blender workflow.

I didn't know how therapeutic sculpting was until now, and I'm totally hooked. I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn to sculpt in Blender.

JK Balmain


For me, it was the perfect introduction to sculpting. The project was fun to do; everything was well explained and presented in easy-to-follow bite-sized lessons.

I am a big fan of all CG Boost courses and recommend them to everyone who wants to get into 3D and learn Blender.

Alex K.

And now, without further ado, enjoy the free course.

​Join the free Blender Sculpting course here​

See you inside!


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